Rebecca Rose




Bridging Earth & Sky,

                   the sacred world is alive

                                                                                                                                                                                                          Dhankar Monastery, Indian Himalaya ~ Rebecca 2019


Father is standing, scanning the distance with his hand raised to his brow, shielding his eyes from the sun's glare. We are waiting in a high, open alpine meadow for the current storm to pass, waiting for the glowering cloud over humanity and the surface world to break.

Mother is seated, resting and at peace, though Father looks concerned. "The people have seen unrest long enough. This must end," he says.

The plasma lightning bolts can still be seen in the far distance over the masses of urban humanity. We remain removed, viewing from a very far distance, as if from off-world.  From this vantage point a broader perspective can be maintained.

I then see Father calling into the sky, his face raised to the heavens, hands cupped around his mouth to amplify his cry. He is calling for help from the spirit world.

"The prophecies have foreseen this time. It will end but losses continue, wrong leaders and false view have been perpetuated.  You must look inward toward the center to be guided true."

I know he means my – our – inner stability and inner wisdom, and at the same time he means the center of the Cosmos.

I also see that Mother has been sewing or embroidering for some time.  Days actually, that I have been seeing her like this.  I understand now that her pursuit has not been small or idle passage of time.  She is rebuilding the web of life.

She smiles up at me in that gentle way she has and takes my hand. "It is where you put your mind that decides final outcomes now.  So you see my task at hand."

I understand to apply all this to my mundane, ordinary tasks, to keep my mind present inside, cleave to the greater wisdom of the sacred world and in this way support the end of the current storm.

May we continue, together to rebuild life's web, and resist the profane deception that has torn it asunder.The ones I call, simply, Mother and Father are parents from my previous lifetime with an Absaroka tribe. They have been with me for several years. Their compassionate guidance, calm presence - along with the medicine of the tribe - has saved my life.

Mother and Father are my parents from a previous life with the Crow people.  I met them in 2018 and they have been with me daily since then.
~Rebecca Rose
Summer Solstice, 2020

- Invest in Your  Awakening -

I'm honored to witness - and support! - the brave, bold journeys and massive blooming of clients making their way through my recently launched Dedicated & Going Deeper session package.

Dedicated & Going Deeper offers a comprehensive, progressive series of readings, healings, coaching, attunements and journeying that leads you deeper into your truth, your power and your gifts. This series offers a full, deep dive into your own expansion - fueled by your unique needs & intentions, your challenges & passions in devoted 1:1 work with me. Please join me!!  ~Rebecca Rose

 - The Timeless Alchemy of the Light Within -

"You are the light from the beginning of Time.  You are the light from the beginning of Creation.  You are the light from the beginning of the Universe.  Do remember who you've been - and who you still are, written deep inside?  You ARE the seer, the saint, the mystic, the warrior, the medicine keeper, the shaman, the healer and the diviner.  And WE are the medicine of our time."

Enjoy a rich, multi-dimensional guided journey & channeled experience which takes you deeper into all you've been over many lifetimes, rekindling the flame of what you truly contain.  Let the powerful messages & light language draw you back into your luminous gifts, deep strength and far-reaching vision.  Both restorative & empowering, please accept he invite to greet a new timeline of light with fortification from the ancient future. It is already written within you.

 - Phoenix Rising - Sexual Healing -

"Be restored to innocence.

The template of your wellness is already in you.

Love and be loved."

An inspiring, full length healing session with Rebecca which soothes, nurtures, protects, potentizes and restores.  Well suited to sexual abuse survivors along with anyone on the path of spiritual integration and wholeness.  Crystalline light, sacred geometry, unique channeled information and the accompaniment of many beautiful, benevolent upper dimensional beings! Reconnect your heart with your sacred sexuality.



Northern Stargate / Alaska Triangle,

7" x 11", original acrylic & mixed media on paperboard by Rebecca, $315. (Sold.)  Contact to commission a

similar piece.  

              - SUBTLE ENERGY & DEEP GRACE:

                            HEALED BY A NAZCA BEING -

Late last night while lying down, I'm attuned inwardly in a special way that leaves me feeling both deeply grounded and also as if I'm drifting in space.   An ease, a peace, stillness and relaxation envelop me.  In breath, out breath... and then suddenly I feel a light being bending over me on my right.  Beautiful, elegant energy that feels familiar.  

I hear very clearly one initial word:  "Nazca".  

S/he is related to the Nazca lines in Peru.  

Yes, a tall and willowy,  luminous white light being with one of the most delicate energy signatures I have ever encountered.  I can feel her/his exquisite intelligence.  I know I am relating with her immediately from a place that is beyond words.  We need no spoken language.  Her hands: three fingers, very large thumb pads.  I only see this one, no others, though s/he references a We.

S/he is healing me, working on me.  As she moves deftly behind me, I don’t doubt her or what s/he’s doing.  It’s more like I know him, her and we are family.  She’s healing my energy field, working in the left rear on tears there, leftovers from childhood abuse.  I have been aware that I have - recently with this - been receiving "outside help."  

While working, s/he says that “most things will heal through the well-being of your field.  Now we see to this.”

And then she offers, "We, too, relate with Sirius.”  

“We can help you heal and others, too, those that you work with.”  She means my clients.  And, ah, yes, I think.  Some things I can’t do on my own.  Of course we are always receiving higher assistance.

So she and her people have made an appearance tonight.  I am reminded of a phrase from the perspective of Hakomi, that wounds that were created in relationship heal in relationship.  That is, we can't do it all for ourselves.

“That is correct," she says clearly.

And then, “We, too, fly in the sky.  That is our way.”

I feel myself shedding my human skin and joining with this being. I say him/her as I’m not sure.  It feels feminine but at this level of frequency, there is sometimes no distinction.   Gentle and generous does not necessarily mean female.  I remember this.  

And again, "Nazca."

Though I’m less interested in a Q/A with this gorgeous, healing being than in basking in the energy between us, our quiet conversation continues.

I ask her/him, “Are you from the ships I saw on Friday eve?”

“Not exactly.”  

“We have come into your time to offer sustenance. Your level of relaxation helps us connect. You are not unknown to us.”

When I ask for a name, I see symbols that remind me of light language and I understand immediately that there is no equivalent.  A name.  What is your name.   I smile that we humans are so preoccupied with labeling.  I understand that names and labels are not of relevance tonight.  Feel the energy signature.  That is all.

My heart is so touched by her, him.   
Beyond words, utterly exquisite, this being.  
I feel so blessed.  

Me:  "I want to know what you know, see what you see, travel with you."  And spontaneously I say this, too, from somewhere deep inside me that I don’t know, “I’m afraid I can’t find my way home anymore.”  And I know that I mean to the stars, to Sirius and beyond.  

There is a silence between us that is very comfortable.  Yes, s/he is familiar and also so very comforting.  It feels good to speak little as she continues to work, doing something/s in my field and just being with me.  

I then feel, sense vibration related to sound (healing) which I hear only etherically.  I know this is part of her natural essence, a frequency that emits from her.  I know that s/he can direct it easily.  

“Nazca is a calendar,” s/he offers.  “This is how we keep the stars near.”

“You will find you can blow your energy field up like a balloon now. Nothing leaks out.  Yes?”

Yes, true. 

And this: I want to stay with her forever.

Breathe in, breathe out...  I feel the eternal connection, the timelessness between us that is us.  THANK YOU.    


This is just one of many, many similar star being experiences I've received over the years.  I share this personal story to help activate and awaken in you the limitless expanse of purity and benevolence that we are constantly surrounded by.  Never forget this and your own luminous nature.  Your field is your power, your health and your protection.

With love from the eternal realms
beyond earth and sky, ~ Rebecca Rose

Graphite drawing based on the mantids I met on Mars while in the SSP - with a more complete body of work in development. It's one of those that I would call an "Elder". They were wise, spiritually advanced, peaceful to my recollection - until we started using them for target practice and trying to control them.  [Read more HERE.] Remember that there are a variety of different mantid groups and dimensional expressions.  I have a lot of respect for them in this iteration and carry some wounding about what we were made to participate in.  May there be peace among races and basic goodness, sanity and compassion guiding us on.  ~ In Unity, RR 2022

- Bringing Light to the Darkness -

This is a personal video series - begun in May, 2020 - which shares many aspects of my hidden history and anomalous experiences as a child.  Diverse topics are discussed in each episode, including trauma-based mind control, covert-ops abduction and various off-world programs run by secret government and shadow agencies.  (Think Montauk, secret space programs, child psy-ops and regressive extra-terrestrials.)  The intention of this unprecedented disclosure is, for me, to expose and heal our collective shadow material while contributing to the liberation of our planet.  Right here, right now - in the midst of the current global chaos and deception that is also a portal to massive collective awakening - is the time.  In the beginning, recording the 'Bringing Light to the Darkness' series was the hardest thing I'd ever done and yet the most needed on my personal journey.  Now, four years later, it has transformed my life in brilliant, unfathomable ways.  Thank you for listening.  May these stories stir something important in you that you may have forgotten.  ~ Rebecca Rose

18 Episodes and counting...!!

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This morning when I checked in with Mother and Father the way I always do, we are greeted by a group of Sirians. This has not happened before.

Yesterday I'd also seen something new, light ships and benevolent energies circling our moon. I knew right away they were clearing out the influence of negative extra-terrestrials at certain lunar locations, but I wasn't expecting a visit from them.

These Sirians have such beautiful, serene, inquisitive and highly intelligent energy. Very equanimous, without affect, judgment or expectation. I recognize them by their double-lobed cranial structure and unique energy signature. Their "craft" is just a living, pulsing orb of light. This is a small group, including shorter beings who appear as children or young.

"Things are coming true. The prophecies you are familiar with seek their final end." With this brief but powerful statement, my inner vision sees the Hopi Blue Kachina.

When I look this up later to verify my vision, I read: “When the Blue Star Kachina makes its appearance in the heavens, the Fifth World will emerge. This will be the Day of Purification. The Hopi name for the star Sirius is Blue Star Kachina. It will come when the Saquashohuh (Blue Star) Kachina dances in the plaza and removes her mask."

That the Sirians are referencing indigenous prophecies is significant. Mother and Father are of an Absaroka tribe. They came into my life several years ago and are my parents from a previous lifetime.  Their presence fills me steadily and daily. 

The Sirians continue, "It signifies an end of the old way and the beginning of New.  We are helping with the Re-Worlding effort.  Many have known this would play out. In your terms, it was just a matter of  time."

Suddenly I know that everyone on Earth, while receiving some version of disclosure, is also receiving a light attunement.  As we move forward into the time ahead, it is intimately and infinitely important to see the timeline of the Fifth World emerging in our collective vision.

The senses of all beings on Earth can receive an upgrade now so they will no longer be "mute and stupid" but elevated from 3D limitations to some greater or lesser extent - depending on the individual, their alignment with fear or love, and their desires.

The Sirians assure me that, "No one will be hurt. We come to help not harm and nothing happens against anyone's will. These are voluntarily received light adjustments. So marks the beginning of a new era for humanity."

In Unity and with great respect for the unseen forces at work in our world, may humanity rise. 

~Rebecca Rose,  2020.

- Meditation holds the

golden key to your Awakening. -

As we enjoy summer here in the northern hemisphere, the energies of Gaia support us in the qualities of inner expansion and inquiry that lead to outer transformation.  We are also in the in-between realm, not knowing what page in the book of humanity we are currently turning.  Our times continue to feel precarious - and also portentous.  As a new timeline beckons, we are collectively called to gather ourselves inward and water the innate seeds of wisdom that each of us contain.  Given the fertile ground of meditation, these seeds can germinate and flourish in the Now - and assist the ongoing transformation we are in

To assist you on your inner journey,  I've been creating a series of guided meditations.  It is best to begin with Session One:  Relaxing, Releasing, & Expanding.  You can continue each practice in succession, at your own pace. 

No experience is necessary and each meditation in the series begins lying down.   Each practice is also somatic - rooted in deep embodiment.   I - and mother water, father sun - invite you to explore more fully your own present-moment experience as a portal to expanded consciousness.  True self knowing, healing and awakening are our birthright.  I hope you will join me on the path.  ~RR

- On the Nature of The Soul -

As channeled in a client Akashic Reading

“The Soul manifests out of pure Source, given the right conditions... the right desire… that is, the Desire of Creation birthing itself.  If you trace it all the way back, this is what you will find about everyone. 

When we say that certain people come from certain star systems, they all come from this process first.  Those things you could say, in a certain way, are secondary to the Primary Beginning of the Soul.


Your child self is a powerful guide.  Direct contact with him or her can help you heal core wounds, restore authentic self-expression, reconnect with yearnings you have lost contact with and help you take the next steps in your life based on your true needs.  Find your joy again AND... begin to remember everything you love about yourself.

As humanity moves through its current extraordinary passage, our past lives are coming up to be cleared at a rapid rate.  Though Atlantean healing and integration has been, in recent months, leading the way on the past life front, many, many unique and most personal encounters can be had now with who you have been.  Your many lives are most relevant now, because in them we encounter our power.

If you've been carrying some pernicious - or perhaps painful - extra baggage that relates to distant places and time, you can find some relief in a past life reading.  These sessions have been shockingly potent and equally healing.  In a Past Life Session, we can re-encounter our gifts, make friends with our past, and clear ancient wounds both personal and collective.

Light Language Healing Meditation

for Receiving Goodness

& Letting Light IN...

A soothing, 9-minute light transmission for learning to receive.  Recorded on location, it contains the sounds of a living woodland with water flowing and bountiful Devic energy.  Lie down, have some deep, clearing breaths and sink in.   By focusing gently on your breath you can allow your body and heart to receive the energetic information at the cellular level.

"Light Language is a potent mode of subtle frequency modulation and activation from the 5th Dimension and beyond.  It heals the heart-mind as well as the physical and spiritual dimensions of you, the human being living on Earth in current times.  It restores your cellular memory to its original vibration of love, while extending what we call DNA bandwidth.  Receiving transmissions of light language can help you remember who you are, what you know, and what you came here to do.

The frequencies of information contained within light language are a form of personal communication and empowerment that interacts with your higher self. As you receive a Light Language transmission in any form, you are being assisted in reconnecting the Ancient Future Codes that have always existed in you. In gifting humanity with the frequencies of light language, we hope to offer you the unlimited capacity to reconnect with all of life, all dimensions and all-knowing via the Onemind of Unity Consciousness.  We wish to return to you your Sovereignty and uplift you from these times of enslavement.

We love you and we love your Earth planet. We are the Galactic Council Representing the Many, the None and the One." 
channeled by Rebecca Rose

"It is within your sovereign power to uninstall the thought forms of negativity, fear, and limitation and

re-entrain with the cellular memory of love.  Remember being deeply loved, loving others and living from a place of love. You ARE love itself and contain all the necessary vibrational frequencies and encodings of love's native wisdom to heal yourselves and your planet.  It is your birthright to remember who you are, what you know, and what you came here to do.  It is your birthright to reclaim your origin and your destiny.  It is written in you and always has been."

- A Message from the Ancient Future & the Star Nations

by Rebecca Rose

"Engender self-gentleness,
self-tenderness and self-loving,
the lodestone of your healing.
Engender a felt sense of worth,
of self-forgiveness,
and the felt sense of being held.

Original woundings
in the soft light,
learning to receive
the loving aspect around you.
This is gentle and tender work.

The ascended aspect of all of you
is embodied here.
It's the child that exists still
and always
beneath the suffering and
beyond the suffering

and even within it.

There isn't only
that person who suffered,
there is the one
who was in touch.
It's like bringing in
the part of you that knows
and plays and sees,
sees beyond;

He who sees the Otherworlds
and knows
how to communicate with them.

Your higher self sees and knows.
He is awakened here
in the light realms of Earth."

Direct channel from a client Akashic Records Quantum Healing Session

with Rebecca.  (Shared with client permission.)   Written light language by Rebecca.

"From you, Rebecca, I am learning new ways to connect with myself and my experience.  Tonight I was out on the land and through every sentient form I saw things with my heart.  Jupiter, Arcturus, the Libra constellation, Vega and Lyra, the trees, the bats.  I conversed with the trees gently holding their trunks wishing them hello. A little earlier in the night I greeted the Flame trees, watched with wonder, bats hovering, resting, imbibing nectar just 10 feet above me.  Everything was inter-connected - the land, trees, the bats, me, and all of life.  Through you, I have learnt the meaning of grounding experientially. I am so grateful to you for teaching me subtly, helping me re-discover my hidden longings and this ancient Earth connection."  - BA, Karnataka, India

"Rebecca is one of the highest vibrational channels I have ever worked with.  Her extensive dharma training has taught her to step outside of duality, and by removing her judgment and ego, she is able to access much higher frequencies than the vast majority are capable of.  She is able to go where many are unwilling to venture.   Her ability to bring through the knowledge and teachings from the higher realms is profound.  For the typical reading, this ability and these insights provide balance and perspective.   A reading with Rebecca is an invaluable gift to yourself on your journey through life."  - JM, London

"WOW!!  I'm shocked and moved by depth of what took place today and I'm deeply grateful for you creating such an open space. There's so much wild energy and connection and magic in that space.  Honestly, you're truly one of a kind. I felt very heard and accepted in a way I believe was truly needed for me to move forward at this stage of the journey so I truly thank you for being so willing and authentic.  This is also the first time I've heard such a pronounced and profound extra terrestrial vocal transmission before."  -MM, Los Angeles, CA

"I deeply felt that I am finally meeting you again in this life time - as it feels like I have met you so many times in another life time.  Thank you so much for letting me express how I have been feeling and my process of awakening.  Also thank you so much for holding space with your wisdom and deep love and compassion for our ancient conversation.  I felt like I was held by your warm motherly energy and your wise, peaceful space and time.  Thank you so much for being who you truly are. This is a such a beautiful Inspiration to me. You are helping me with realization of my true self much deeper than I could imagine." -KU, Albuquerque, NM

Birdwoman I

(below, SOLD)

Light language visual art by Rebecca. 

Mixed media on paper, one of a kind, sizes vary. 

$243 each, includes shipping in North America.

Please use CONTACT page to request.

Left:  Voices from the Stars /  Gobekli Tepe, Anchoring Light  (Turkey)

Center:  Voices from the Stars / Birdwoman of Rapa Nui & the Moai

Right: Voices from the Stars / The Moai of Rapa Nui / Integrated Harmonics (Easter Island, Earth Grid)

Giza Power Grid

(below, SOLD)

Powered by earth, sky and dharma.


© Rebecca Rose Barfoot 2023

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