A Russian Extra-terrestrial Alliance - The Future As Seen From Montauk

A Russian Extra-terrestrial Alliance - The Future As Seen From Montauk

What follows is a detailed - and at times difficult - recapture of one of my experiences in a time travel device at Montauk.  It is both vivid, shocking and surprisingly complex. The information finally revealed, however, is hopeful. 

Note: the language expression below is casual and quite different than my usual writing style due to the fact that this is a direct transcript of the 42 minute audio file (below) in which I recorded the memory as it returned to me in real time.

The silver bullet, referenced many times - or "time tunnel torture tube", as I have also called it - is a sleek, metal, coffin-like time machine. I would lie prone in it to retrieve information for my handlers. In this case, I am viewing a future potential. I was electro-shocked while observing the future and under great duress during each viewing session. This is one of more than 100+ future potentials I was sent to investigate during my time at Montauk on Cape Hero, NY during the 1970's.  The technology of the silver bullet relates to plasma physics and torsion fields. It could also be used for age regression.

January 15, 2023

I'm awake in bed surrounded by the still-dark world of an Alaskan winter morning.  I work consciously with my breath and body as a kind of prone meditation that enhances my not-quite-awake brainwave state. Something very unusual happens. I suddenly feel myself regressing into a memory of Montauk – inside the silver bullet. 


"So, uh… this room at Montauk with the silver bullet in it is really palpable at the moment… I don’t really know why this is coming up now, but… I can feel… the room feels dim, not entirely dark. There’s a lot of equipment, machines close in and… I can feel the tiling of the floor… a machine that reminds me of a big commercial, front-loading washing machine. And… I'm lying in the silver bullet… coffin… thingy.  I feel really dizzy, really spinny-dizzy and nauseous.

I’m wondering what else is here. Uh… I have a feeling of warm presence supporting me to know whatever it might be… is there something arising right here… I… spinny, spinny… like almost to the point of throwing up. I can feel… I’m longing for comfort inside the machine. My dolly or someone to hold me.

[I am speaking from the point of view of the 6 year old child I was at the time.]

Feels like something’s going wrong and there’s commotion around me. It feels like I’m inside it [the silver bullet] and it’s closed but nothing’s really happening yet. It feels kind of faint, like the electrical impulses…

Commotion of some kind… maybe a malfunction... and I hear someone saying outside, “Leave her!… Leave her. We need to start the cycle again.”  And, wow… some voices going back and forth. “Leave her,” then another voice, “No, we could kill her!” Then the first voice, “No, we just have to move on.”


Just pausing… I feel such a… I don’t know how I was able to breathe inside this thing. I’m feeling claustrophobia and darkness… like a cycle beginning… and then I feel myself go limp, like… blanking... into a blank state. It’s like a… I begin to feel calm. Um… I don’t know if this is a drugged state… where the fear of claustrophobia and how do I breathe and being alone… and confused, spinning… it’s all kind of fading out.  Dark, darkness and a feeling of falling. It's almost a feeling that’s peaceful.

Just pausing… and noticing what’s happening. Feels like slow motion movement... a part of my being leaving… a splitting away from the body.  And I just feel kind of floaty and inside I feel like… I could die here and just keep going.  I feel… very separate from my… little body in the coffin, the silver bullet, what we could say is a time machine. Floating up somewhere. I feel untethered and… I wonder if this is what it’s like to die.

Just pausing and staying with this, staying here. Um… allowing myself to feel the comfort of presence and protection… in this moment, my adult self, just being supported by my team to… keep exploring this.


Yeah, it’s kind of a drugged state or is it a natural state. I feel peace that might be artificial, I’m not sure. I don’t know if I’m dying, have died and I’m leaving… and then I feel this strong jolt of, um… [sharp intake up breath] electronic impulse banging back through me and the thing is being lit up… lit up with um,  electroshock is what it feels like… jolting my body, jolting my body… just feels like banging, banging, banging…

And I can’t struggle with it. Like I’m aware it’s happening and on some level I’m aware that it’s very painful.  There’s this part of me that’s floaty… still... like these different parts of my awareness are pretty clear right here. Like there’s more than one me.  I hear part of me… screaming… but I’m very separate from that part… I feel distant from my pain in a way.

I hear a voice outside saying, “Find out what she’s seeing!”  I’m not really seeing anything.  They’re amplifying the voltage of something and sending more electroshock through the coffin… the silver bullet… I’m trying to feel how those impulses are sent into me… my… it feels like it’s all over my body, the whole thing feels electric, electrified and… my whole body being electrocuted… my feet, like the soles of my feet.  And [sharp and sudden strong intake of breath] then this strong impulse at the base of my spine… and… something… feels like around the pelvic floor, base of spine, and then my head but it’s all through me and… let me see… I feel myself wanting to suck my thumb and I’m very distanced from the pain of my body and… just like traveling in space.

And… going somewhere… Um… there’s a, uh… oh my god. So… the of my body become faint and I’m journeying in my mind into a command center… a lot of controls, a lot of big screens, um… this room also feels somewhat dark… a monitoring station.  Um… there’s people here… The electroshock down in my body feels likes it’s continuing at an excruciating level…

I can’t feel it, I’m just aware of the room [that I've been sent to view]...  I hear something like, “portaling device”… an operational gateway that this seems to be the command center of.  I’m not actually sure if I’m on earth or in space.  I hear other people… uh… down there, the people electrocuting me, yelling at me to tell what I see, to show what I see… then I have this disengagement that’s ongoing, like I don’t care if they kill me, like I don’t have to show them anything. I don’t have to show them anything. They could kill me and I’ll just keep going. I don’t have to go back there…

I am curious about what I’m looking at. I feel that in my child self. I am journeying experientially into exactly what happened to me in the silver bullet at Montauk.  Uhh… what’s on the monitor? It’s up in space.  Like I’m looking at something like a lot of blue on a blue screen… a lot of blue… is that water or sky… sky. Sky. Distant horizon. Fuzzy like I can’t see it very well. There’s other screens, they’re smaller.   Let me see if I can know more about this place that I’m in. It doesn’t feel hostile, it feels neutral. I’m wondering if I can see the being, other people. Um… I feel peaceful inside.  

Let me see what else I can know. Can we see more here, sweetie, can you show us more of what you remember?  Talking to this child self from my adult self now… Letting the cocaphony in the room be far away somewhere else. By that I mean around the coffin, the silver bullet at Montauk.  

They’re looking at Earth, looking at Earth. I feel like the people in the room are not all human. They’re looking at Earth… it feels very beautiful. I hear a voice saying, “You’re in the command center of the enemy! Do you realize that? Do you not?” I just feel peaceful, so peaceful. I don’t feel like they’re enemies, are they?  I’m having trouble like.. the people or the beings are… dim. I’m not being able to see them… as if they’re disappearing, just looking back at Earth.  I feel voices yelling at me, “Can you see the controls and the commands. Can you see the sequence?!” I feel myself thinking, I don’t know what they mean, the sequence of what?... The sequence of the command center controls.  What is the sequence?  It’s alphabetized. I’m supposed to get some data, some alpha-numeric data and I don’t really care to do that. I just feel floaty. I don’t want to go back there, I don’t want to listen to their commands.

And I’m still curious about what is unfolding here. “Look underneath the flap, can you tell where they’re going? Where is their destination?!”  And I feel them yelling at me, “Are you stupid?!”  I actually feel in this experience that I am... intentionally not cooperating with them... I am somehow blocking with my mind what they want to see and enjoying it myself without relaying the information. [Sharp sudden intakes of breath throughout this passage.]  They continue to send electronic impulses though my body in waves back in the coffin, the silver bullet at Montauk.

I feel their frustration and I feel them yelling. It feels like it’s taking a long time but I know in reality, in third density, this is actually happening very quickly. For the purposes of the retrieval right now, this journey back in to this unnameable place, this unnameable time, this unnameable dimension… it’s going very slowly and it feels very soothing and calming to go at this pace. I will not be hurried.  I will not do their bidding.

So ultimately I’m feeling my child self resisting commands. I’m supposed to be gathering information and… this is observing one situation of many, many situations that I was sent into. “Show us the devices they’re using.” They’re so angry at me. I don’t know how I’m blocking this. I don’t know why they can’t see...

I just feel... the feeling of a child exploring in a way that is… the way kids naturally explore. We’re curious and we want to know things but there’s no negative impulse attached to this because this has become my own exploration.  

I feel a feminine energy coming in. It feels… a nice lady.  To be honest it feels a bit Nordic to me.  And where I am feels kind of… it feels Russian.  This has to do with Russian space exploration and… (I just had a small conversation in my mind, it went like this.  It’s not German is it? Makes sure it’s not German.  No, it’s not German. Ok. It’s Russian.) Space exploration of the Russians and… it feels like a Russian interface with extra- terrestrials and it feels like two… this is. [I mean that I'm viewing and within two places at once.]

They’re amplifying frequency in the coffin, I can feel that.

I understand this now. So part of what I’m viewing is on Earth, like a command center on Earth. But then there’s a… like a spaceship… a Russian spaceship... that its connected to and…  I know I’m supposed to be gathering information, intelligence and… the spaceship… Russian/ET joint… like a joint project. It has something to do with a portal.

And in this particular situation it feels like there’s Nordics actually cooperating with the Russians.  I don’t actually sense a lot of nefarious activity, like the intentions do not feel like they have to do with the destruction of mankind or the control of mankind but more about a benevolent affiliation and technological explorations, advancements, experiments, space exploration... space exploration and… I can’t see everything super clear. A gateway into the… like a Pleiadian star system. This isn’t the only thing going on. Right now, my command is to cause harm in some way, whether it’s gathering data or disturbing what they’re working on in some way and… I do not feel cooperative with that.

This particular experience with the silver bullet… is… I’m continuing to scream and my body is in pain but I’m very disconnected from that as I continue to... feel peaceful in this realm of looking. I was going to say that I don’t feel that this has anything to do with American counter-intelligence or um… anything with the Americans at all, however the Americans want the technology. They want to know what’s happening or what could be happening or might happen or…  

“Remember that you’re looking at the realm of possibility.” I hear that right now.

I’m pausing to see if I can know anything else. Is there more detail? … I feel myself almost like… my consciousness is wanting to journey into this Pleiadian aspect of what I’m viewing and I want to be able to see things more clearly. Going back and forth between a command center on earth, which is where I began and … a Pleiadian ship. A Pleiadian influcence there on the ship. The Russians have.. this is a Russian thing, a Russian interaction, a Russian exploration and… I have to say it’s beautiful to not see a lot of distortion here. I don’t see deviance or duplicity and it feels very genuine, what I’m observing.

I hear them yelling at… they’re going to take me back soon because this isn’t going how it’s supposed to go.  I feel myself kind of, almost like… falling in love with this… Pleiadian being, this lady… like in… in a ship in space and… I know I’m going to get in trouble because I’m not doing what I’m supposed to do. They’re gonna start the whole thing over and I’m going to be punished.

[Sharp exhale.]

I see how this is ending.  I want to see first if I can get any more data for my own purposes at the moment. What have I seen? “The glory of true exploration in space in which no one is being harmed, no one is being controlled. You are seeing a contemporary alliance. One that at the time had not yet been developed.”

There’s… hm… some numbers and codes coming into my head from this experience in childhood and I feel like… I’m trying to block them, block them and not let them through. I don’t want them to extract this info from me at Montauk… And… I feel myself reaching for the...lady and… [Transcription note, the Pleiadian"lady" is a luminous nordic. She represents all things safe and loving to my tormented, 6 year-old self undergoing horrific abuse at Montauk.]

I’m being pulled back…. pulled back rapidly. It all slams shut. I’m watching.. the coffin is opened. My body is limp and I am unconscious. I look like I’m dead. I look like I’m a wreck and… they’re straightening out my body.  I guess she... feels like a woman that has a hand on my face, like a cool cloth on my face, back in the silver bullet and… I hear they will be waiting to administer the next round.

[Transcription note: In the next retrieval from the Montauk silver bullet on 1/22/23, I finally understand that the woman in the time travel room at Montauk is my military handler.]

And I want to say that… I’m not dead… but it feels like every time they send me into this, it’s as if there’s a near-death experience … and they do it over and over. And particularly with me… they must give up at some point, because I am resistant to relaying the information properly, like I’m... consciously or subconsciously activating a gateway in my mind even though I’m so not in my own… I’m really not in control of myself, but some part of me is blocking what I’m seeing, not fully but, uh... to some extent I’m not cooperating with what’s happening.  I don’t know how I’m able to accomplish this given the psychological and physical manipulations that have gone on to put me in that state... uh, chemical alterations and trauma, ah… not to mention extreme electroshock and other interventions.  And I think this is what is meant by... in previous time as I’ve relayed my Montauk experiences, I’ve said that I felt like I failed over and over, they’d do this to me over and over and over… like I never got it right. Now I can understand more about that.


I have a feeling from my adult self now, here in 2023, now that I’ve been able to open up my own gateway in a sense to this particular experience, that I may be able to go back and learn more, open up my memory and see if there’s more detail that might come through about all this that I touched on here in the scenario that I was sent to investigate.

And I’m gonna come back now… Coming back now and… stabilizing. Stabilizing and feeling loving support around me. 


Transcription note:  I'm quite aware, in the aftermath of this experience, that this memory returned because it is current and happening now.  Here is January 2023, we stand in the midst of the future I was sent to observe from Montauk in the late 1970's.


With hope for humanity,

Rebecca Rose

Powered by earth, sky and dharma.


© Rebecca Rose Barfoot 2023

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